Our Blog
En Biolube seguimos apostando al confort y a la...
La salud íntima es un tema que muchas veces queda relegado a un segundo plano, pero en Biolube sabemos que es fundamental para el bienestar integral. Es por eso que...
En Biolube seguimos apostando al confort y a la...
La salud íntima es un tema que muchas veces queda relegado a un segundo plano, pero en Biolube sabemos que es fundamental para el bienestar integral. Es por eso que...
Biolube en la televisión chilena: Innovación y ...
Nos complace anunciar que Biolube fue presentado en el programa "Mija: Salud, belleza y bienestar" de la televisión chilena, donde nuestras fundadoras, Cami y Serri compartieron la visión y misión...
Biolube en la televisión chilena: Innovación y ...
Nos complace anunciar que Biolube fue presentado en el programa "Mija: Salud, belleza y bienestar" de la televisión chilena, donde nuestras fundadoras, Cami y Serri compartieron la visión y misión...
Tips para mantener tu pH equilibrado en verano ...
El verano trae sol, playa y diversión, pero también puede aumentar el riesgo de desequilibrios en el pH vaginal, lo que a su vez favorece la aparición de infecciones. Esto...
Tips para mantener tu pH equilibrado en verano ...
El verano trae sol, playa y diversión, pero también puede aumentar el riesgo de desequilibrios en el pH vaginal, lo que a su vez favorece la aparición de infecciones. Esto...
Presentamos Biolube V Radiant Glow: La evolució...
En Biolube, nuestra misión siempre ha sido ofrecer productos de calidad que cuiden de vos de manera segura y efectiva. Después de más de 2 años de investigación, pruebas y...
Presentamos Biolube V Radiant Glow: La evolució...
En Biolube, nuestra misión siempre ha sido ofrecer productos de calidad que cuiden de vos de manera segura y efectiva. Después de más de 2 años de investigación, pruebas y...
Cómo hablar de salud íntima con tu pareja: guía...
Hablar de salud íntima con tu pareja puede ser incómodo para muchas personas, pero es esencial para una relación sana y una vida sexual satisfactoria. La comunicación abierta y honesta...
Cómo hablar de salud íntima con tu pareja: guía...
Hablar de salud íntima con tu pareja puede ser incómodo para muchas personas, pero es esencial para una relación sana y una vida sexual satisfactoria. La comunicación abierta y honesta...
Día de la Lucha contra el Cáncer de Mama: Un Re...
El 19 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra el Cáncer de Mama, una fecha clave para generar conciencia sobre la importancia de la detección temprana,...
Día de la Lucha contra el Cáncer de Mama: Un Re...
El 19 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra el Cáncer de Mama, una fecha clave para generar conciencia sobre la importancia de la detección temprana,...
Día Mundial de la Menopausia: Celebrando una Nu...
El 18 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Menopausia, una fecha clave para abrir conversaciones sobre una etapa natural en la vida de la mujer que, a...
Día Mundial de la Menopausia: Celebrando una Nu...
El 18 de octubre se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Menopausia, una fecha clave para abrir conversaciones sobre una etapa natural en la vida de la mujer que, a...
Relaciones íntimas durante el postparto: lo que...
El postparto es una etapa de grandes cambios físicos y emocionales para la mujer. Mantener una vida íntima saludable durante este periodo es fundamental para el bienestar general y la...
Relaciones íntimas durante el postparto: lo que...
El postparto es una etapa de grandes cambios físicos y emocionales para la mujer. Mantener una vida íntima saludable durante este periodo es fundamental para el bienestar general y la...
¿El agua es suficiente para higienizar la vulva?
Estuvimos conversando con la Ginecóloga Cynthia Bustamante sobre la higienización de la piel de la vulva. La doctora comenta que lavarse solo con agua no es suficiente. La vulva está...
¿El agua es suficiente para higienizar la vulva?
Estuvimos conversando con la Ginecóloga Cynthia Bustamante sobre la higienización de la piel de la vulva. La doctora comenta que lavarse solo con agua no es suficiente. La vulva está...
Entrevista con El País
El 7 de julio estuvimos conversando con Analía Filosi del Diario El País sobre los desafíos y obstáculos que tuvimos que sobrepasar para dar inicio a este proyecto que hoy...
Entrevista con El País
El 7 de julio estuvimos conversando con Analía Filosi del Diario El País sobre los desafíos y obstáculos que tuvimos que sobrepasar para dar inicio a este proyecto que hoy...
¿Reconocés las características de tu flujo vagi...
Es muy importante que examinemos nuestro flujo vaginal para darnos cuenta si estamos frente a una infección genital. El flujo vaginal es una secreción producida por las glándulas dentro y...
¿Reconocés las características de tu flujo vagi...
Es muy importante que examinemos nuestro flujo vaginal para darnos cuenta si estamos frente a una infección genital. El flujo vaginal es una secreción producida por las glándulas dentro y...
Congelamiento de óvulos
¿Alguna vez pensaste en conversar óvulos? Estuvimos conversando con la Dra. Abulafia sobre este tema y esto fue parte de lo que nos compartió: Las mujeres nacemos con los óvulos...
Congelamiento de óvulos
¿Alguna vez pensaste en conversar óvulos? Estuvimos conversando con la Dra. Abulafia sobre este tema y esto fue parte de lo que nos compartió: Las mujeres nacemos con los óvulos...
¿Cómo detectar, curar y prevenir infecciones vu...
El tratamiento para una infección vulv0v4gin4l depende del tipo de infección, pero se recomienda seguir los siguientes pasos para identificarla, curarla y prevenirla de manera efectiva: Identificación de los Síntomas...
¿Cómo detectar, curar y prevenir infecciones vu...
El tratamiento para una infección vulv0v4gin4l depende del tipo de infección, pero se recomienda seguir los siguientes pasos para identificarla, curarla y prevenirla de manera efectiva: Identificación de los Síntomas...
Día internacional de prevención de cáncer de cu...
Como grandes defensoras del cuidado de la salud íntima femenina, hoy nos unimos al día de la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino. Desde Biolube queremos ayudar a tomar conciencia...
Día internacional de prevención de cáncer de cu...
Como grandes defensoras del cuidado de la salud íntima femenina, hoy nos unimos al día de la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino. Desde Biolube queremos ayudar a tomar conciencia...
We celebrate our expansion!
We celebrate our expansion! Three months ago we landed in Chile with our products and they are already a success. Not only gynecology professionals recommend our skintimate, but also from...
We celebrate our expansion!
We celebrate our expansion! Three months ago we landed in Chile with our products and they are already a success. Not only gynecology professionals recommend our skintimate, but also from...
Intimate care in summer
Summer is one of our favorite seasons. Nothing more beautiful than warmth, nights out and the beach. But it is precisely the high temperatures that bring with them some risks...
Intimate care in summer
Summer is one of our favorite seasons. Nothing more beautiful than warmth, nights out and the beach. But it is precisely the high temperatures that bring with them some risks...
Interview at Radiocero
On December 12, we visited the Radio Cero studios to speak with Valeria on her program “After all.” In the interview, in addition to telling why Biolube was born, we...
Interview at Radiocero
On December 12, we visited the Radio Cero studios to speak with Valeria on her program “After all.” In the interview, in addition to telling why Biolube was born, we...
Vaginal dryness
Vulvovaginal dryness How do I know if I have vulvovaginal dryness? How can I prevent it? How can I get out of this situation? Many women believe that vaginal dryness...
Vaginal dryness
Vulvovaginal dryness How do I know if I have vulvovaginal dryness? How can I prevent it? How can I get out of this situation? Many women believe that vaginal dryness...
Interview with El País
On Friday, November 24, El País published a note about Biolube on its business portal. The interview is titled: "Biolube, the Uruguayan brand that breaks taboos and bets on the...
Interview with El País
On Friday, November 24, El País published a note about Biolube on its business portal. The interview is titled: "Biolube, the Uruguayan brand that breaks taboos and bets on the...
Vulvovaginal odor: Common causes and tips to co...
Vaginal odor is a topic that interests many of us, although it is rarely discussed openly. But it is important to know that there is a natural smell, and each...
Vulvovaginal odor: Common causes and tips to co...
Vaginal odor is a topic that interests many of us, although it is rarely discussed openly. But it is important to know that there is a natural smell, and each...
Pink month - Month to fight breast cancer
Within the framework of the search for awareness about breast cancer, we remember the interview we conducted with Gynecologist Mariana Piastri about breast cancer and its different types of prevention.
Pink month - Month to fight breast cancer
Within the framework of the search for awareness about breast cancer, we remember the interview we conducted with Gynecologist Mariana Piastri about breast cancer and its different types of prevention.
Vulvovaginal cleansing: Tips for intimate hygiene
Intimate hygiene is an essential part of the well-being of all of us. Maintaining proper vulvovaginal cleanliness is an act of self-love that not only prevents infections and discomfort, but...
Vulvovaginal cleansing: Tips for intimate hygiene
Intimate hygiene is an essential part of the well-being of all of us. Maintaining proper vulvovaginal cleanliness is an act of self-love that not only prevents infections and discomfort, but...
Intimate cleansing: Steps to maintain balance
Let's talk about a fundamental topic that often goes unnoticed, but is an essential act of self-love: feminine intimate cleansing . Our most intimate area deserves all our attention and...
Intimate cleansing: Steps to maintain balance
Let's talk about a fundamental topic that often goes unnoticed, but is an essential act of self-love: feminine intimate cleansing . Our most intimate area deserves all our attention and...
The importance of moisturizing the skin of the ...
This time we will talk about a topic that is often overlooked: caring for the skin of our vulva. This area, although we sometimes do not pay due attention to...
The importance of moisturizing the skin of the ...
This time we will talk about a topic that is often overlooked: caring for the skin of our vulva. This area, although we sometimes do not pay due attention to...
Intimate deodorants: Why is V fresh ideal for you?
On this occasion we will talk about an essential topic for our vulva: intimate deodorants . We know that finding gentle, effective and appropriate personal care products for our vulvovaginal...
Intimate deodorants: Why is V fresh ideal for you?
On this occasion we will talk about an essential topic for our vulva: intimate deodorants . We know that finding gentle, effective and appropriate personal care products for our vulvovaginal...
Feminine intimate care: Products and best pract...
Intimate care is not just about keeping ourselves clean, it is much more! It involves the healthy balance of our vulvovaginal area.
Feminine intimate care: Products and best pract...
Intimate care is not just about keeping ourselves clean, it is much more! It involves the healthy balance of our vulvovaginal area.
International Contraceptive Day
For International Contraception Day, we approached Gynecologist Mariana Piastri to find out her opinion about whether it is necessary to take breaks from taking birth control pills as a contraceptive...
International Contraceptive Day
For International Contraception Day, we approached Gynecologist Mariana Piastri to find out her opinion about whether it is necessary to take breaks from taking birth control pills as a contraceptive...
Women who inspire: Fer López
Women who inspire is a space that we offer at Biolube to women who have a story to tell us, women who stomp their feet and leave us a message....
Women who inspire: Fer López
Women who inspire is a space that we offer at Biolube to women who have a story to tell us, women who stomp their feet and leave us a message....
Hello Coto!
I don't know if you remember me, I am La Cachu. Maybe you didn't recognize me because of how changed I am. After those endless episodes of urinary and vulv0v4ginal...
Hello Coto!
I don't know if you remember me, I am La Cachu. Maybe you didn't recognize me because of how changed I am. After those endless episodes of urinary and vulv0v4ginal...
Biotechnological Formulations for Intimate Care
Many of you will ask the question... What is innovative about biolube? What is the difference between them? Why do we say that they are the first products in Latin America...
Biotechnological Formulations for Intimate Care
Many of you will ask the question... What is innovative about biolube? What is the difference between them? Why do we say that they are the first products in Latin America...
Vaginal discharge, is it normal?
Is vaginal discharge normal? Yes, vaginal discharge is totally normal and we all have it, in fact it is often functional to moisturize our vulvagina. Its color, texture and amount...
Vaginal discharge, is it normal?
Is vaginal discharge normal? Yes, vaginal discharge is totally normal and we all have it, in fact it is often functional to moisturize our vulvagina. Its color, texture and amount...
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by a bacterial infection. Cystitis can be painful and annoying, and if it is not treated in time it can cause major...
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by a bacterial infection. Cystitis can be painful and annoying, and if it is not treated in time it can cause major...
Interview in Things in Their Place
Camila and Serrana visiting “Las Cosas en su Sitio”, Radio Sarandí 690. Camila Tub and Serrana Pérez in the Las Cosas en su Sitio interview said that they met studying...
Interview in Things in Their Place
Camila and Serrana visiting “Las Cosas en su Sitio”, Radio Sarandí 690. Camila Tub and Serrana Pérez in the Las Cosas en su Sitio interview said that they met studying...
Interview at Destapa Bocas
Camila and Serrana invited to the Destapa Bocas program on Radio Universal 970 We continue to carry our message of self-care, beauty and pleasure. The Biolube girls continue to expand...
Interview at Destapa Bocas
Camila and Serrana invited to the Destapa Bocas program on Radio Universal 970 We continue to carry our message of self-care, beauty and pleasure. The Biolube girls continue to expand...
Ver artículoBreast Cancer Awareness
October is over but we keep prevention in mind all year round. At Biolube, all the issues that challenge us as women are valid and have a space within what...
Breast Cancer Awareness
October is over but we keep prevention in mind all year round. At Biolube, all the issues that challenge us as women are valid and have a space within what...
Resistance to Antimicrobials and Biotic V +
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week Every year from November 18 to 24, World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is celebrated, a campaign that aims to increase visibility about antimicrobial resistance and promote information...
Resistance to Antimicrobials and Biotic V +
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week Every year from November 18 to 24, World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is celebrated, a campaign that aims to increase visibility about antimicrobial resistance and promote information...
Hypothyroidism another cause of Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness, more common than we think As we always mention, vaginal dryness is more common than we think and although it is always associated with menopause, it can appear...
Hypothyroidism another cause of Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness, more common than we think As we always mention, vaginal dryness is more common than we think and although it is always associated with menopause, it can appear...
Endometriosis in Uruguay
What is it like to live with the disease in this country? Anyone who follows me on social media knows this, I always tell it because it seems important to...
Endometriosis in Uruguay
What is it like to live with the disease in this country? Anyone who follows me on social media knows this, I always tell it because it seems important to...
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
This February 11 we celebrate the role of women in science The active role of young professional women in research, development, dialogues and debates in science, technology and innovation is fundamental...
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
This February 11 we celebrate the role of women in science The active role of young professional women in research, development, dialogues and debates in science, technology and innovation is fundamental...
All bodies are from Summer
Turn up the temperature! And finally the beautiful hot days arrive and with them many women begin to experience some anxiety related to our bodies and how they should look...
All bodies are from Summer
Turn up the temperature! And finally the beautiful hot days arrive and with them many women begin to experience some anxiety related to our bodies and how they should look...
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