Mujeres que inspiran: Fer López

Women who inspire is a space that we offer at Biolube to women who have a story to tell us, women who stomp their feet and leave us a message.
Today we introduce you to Fer, who after losing much of his vision turns his life around.

At age 43, due to his visual impairment, he had to retire and find a new purpose. Life was presenting him with an obstacle and Fer, far from standing with his arms crossed, got down to work and faced life from a different perspective.
Before, Fernanda used to classify vision as a power, but after everything she has experienced, she understands that a sense is not a power. Or rather, there are other senses that also empower you.
It is then that he begins to become interested in aesthetic and bodily health, where thanks to the massage and being in contact with the skin, he feels happiness and achieves a certain relaxation.
This is due to the release of oxytocin, the hormone that generates these feelings.
From these experiences and conversations with her patients, Fer becomes increasingly aware of how important it is to take care of herself. That is why today her message to the rest of the women is: “Love yourself, believe in yourself, feel comfortable with your Being a woman and enjoy yourself.”

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