Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos y el Biotic V +

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

Every year from November 18 to 24, World Antimicrobial Awareness Week is celebrated, a campaign that aims to increase visibility about antimicrobial resistance and promote information and conscious use of these medicines among people. population.

Why is it so important to inform ourselves about it and have an active awareness about the use of these drugs? Because antimicrobial resistance jeopardizes the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of an increasing number of infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

This occurs when microorganisms undergo changes when exposed to antimicrobials. As a result, medications become ineffective and infections persist, increasing the risk of spread.

By 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) had already warned that between 8% and 65% of samples of E. coli, one of the bacteria (recurrent in our vulvovagina microbiota) that causes urinary tract infections , presented resistance to ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic commonly used to treat these infections.

The vast majority of women throughout their lives have had to treat recurrent Vulvovaginal infections with antibiotics.

At Biolube we know that the infection that is prevented does not need any treatment, which is why from the creation of our products we took on the challenge of being an agent of change in the life and health of the women who would use our formulas and we achieved this by incorporating biotechnology. In its clinical trial tested with the same E.Coli bacteria, the Biotic V+ complex showed an effectiveness of 99%.

Preventing infections is one of the alternatives to stop this resistance and applying it consciously is one of the measures recommended by the WHO and is also everyone's task.

Maintaining adequate hygiene and using products that maintain an optimal vulvovaginal microbiota is a great step to avoid infections and the use of antibiotics. Let's be aware, let's make a change!

For more information we leave the WHO Global Action Plan Against Antibiotic Resistance.
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