Mes rosa - Mes de lucha contra el cáncer de mama

October is coming to an end and at Biolube we continue united by the Fight against breast cancer, the cancer with the highest incidence in women in Uruguay. It is estimated that 700 women per year die due to this cause, that is, 2 per day.

Within the framework of this search for awareness, we remember the interview we conducted with Gynecologist Mariana Piastri about breast cancer and its different types of prevention.

The Dr. mentions 3 levels: the first is about trying to prevent the disease from appearing. As? having appropriate health behaviors, this means eating well, exercising and avoiding both alcohol and tobacco.

The second level of breast prevention is to try to detect the disease in time, this is when it has not yet given clinical manifestations and thus try to achieve effective treatment. At this level we have mammography, which the Society of Mastology and the Society of Gynecology of Uruguay recommend starting this screening at age 40.

Another method to detect any abnormal changes in our breasts is breast self-examination. This procedure begins by observing the breasts in front of the mirror to detect if there are changes such as sagging, retractions, orange peel, different colors, swollen nipple or changes in its direction.

Then the examination continues by performing palpation with one hand behind the head while with the other hand we are going to make gentle circular movements, looking at the entire breast looking for lumps, places that hurt or different places. Next we must examine the armpit, the site of lymph node metastases from breast cancer, and finally we will finish by squeezing the nipple, where we should not have any secretion: no milk, no blood, no pus, no mucus.

If you detect any abnormality in the breast self-examination, it is pertinent to consult.

Finally, the tertiary level in breast cancer is when we detect the lesion and perform timely and supposedly curative treatment, such as surgical intervention, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.

With Gynecology Piatri we invite you to have the relevant check-ups in the recommended periods and always consult with your trusted doctor about any anomaly or doubt in this regard.

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