Entrevista con El País

On Friday, November 24, El País published a note about Biolube on its business portal. The interview is titled: "Biolube, the Uruguayan brand that breaks taboos and bets on the revolution."

The note goes from our beginnings to everything we are currently experiencing and what is coming for Biolube. A story that was based on "persistence and permanence over time", as Cami mentioned.

Furthermore, as the title suggests, in the note we also tell what we like to convey from the brand and how we do it: breaking taboos. The most gratifying thing is that our users seem to have joined this revolution, as Serri and Enrique, co-founder and partner of Biolube, pointed out: “Our positioning is thanks to word of mouth, to referrals from one user to another. This means that we talk about topics that were not talked about before . Our company itself is what we call revolution.”

We love sharing with all the women who, bravely, have decided to join this beautiful revolution. Together we are redefining what it means to take care of our intimate health. Let the revolt continue!

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