Hipotiroidismo otra causa de sequedad Vaginal

Vaginal dryness, more common than we think

As we always mention, vaginal dryness is more common than we think and although it is always associated with menopause, it can appear at various stages of a woman's life regardless of her age and due to multiple factors.

Dryness can also present as a symptom of some disease, for this reason it is important to identify when we are having dryness, know our body and always consult our doctor about the changes we observe.

Burning sensation in the genital area, irritation, itching and, above all, pain during sexual intercourse These may be some of the consequences of vaginal dryness.

One of the diseases that can cause vaginal dryness and that is little talked about is hypothyroidism, which is an alteration in which a decrease in thyroid hormones occurs in the body. It is very common in women.

Studies have revealed that this hormonal imbalance can cause, among other things, vaginal dryness since natural lubrication is affected.

As always, our recommendation is that if you have any symptoms, consult your doctor and if you are going through a situation of dryness, do not worry, there is a solution, and if you are already receiving treatment, we can accompany you with our Skintimate routine, especially with our moisturizing serum and V Queen regenerator.

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